Look Up

Apr 13, 2018
By Emily Stier

Sir Jimmie Blog

  • Faith
  • Advice

Emily Stier

What is on your to-do list today? This week? The rest of the semester? If I’m honest, it’s often overwhelming just thinking about those things. My days are filled with class, practice, homework, meetings, work…and oh yeah, I forgot about eating and sleeping.

Yes, I’m that girl that shamelessly runs across campus with double backpacks. I absolutely love everything I do, but sometimes when everything gets clumped all together, my attitude can switch from fun to frantic.

If this frantic feeling sounds familiar, keep reading.

I’ve found ways to keep my head up when it feels like it is being pulled down.


My instant stress cure

During the non-snow-filled days, one of my instant stress cures is watching a sunset. Numerous times (my roommates will attest to this), I will see the sun start setting and bolt outside to watch. If you’ve never sat behind the Reiland on the grassy hill overlooking Jamestown or stood at the Wilson Memorial behind Watson and Sorkness to watch a sunset, I highly recommend doing so. When I look up at a sunset, it is an amazing reminder of the beauty, promise, and peace that God wants to give us all.

Two hands making a heart shape

Why you should look up

With all that college students have on their plates, resisting to fall into the stress and busyness of everyday life can feel impossible. When I feel this way, I am forgetting to look up. Looking up reveals the bigger picture. It may be through sunsets, it may be through conversations with joyful friends, or it may be in that deep breath as you cross off a to-do list item.

God has a plan for my life and your life (Jeremiah 29:11), and He just wants to show it to us. With that reminder, the overwhelming “to-dos” are silenced, and the overwhelming peace that only God provides takes over. Just remember to look up.

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