Glimpse of Heaven

Jan 22, 2016
By Tracy Ortman

Sir Jimmie Blog

  • Faith
  • Religion

Tracy Ortman

“If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.” C.S. Lewis

Choosing to attend the University of Jamestown was one of the best choices I’ve made. Looking back over my four years of college I can confidently say I loved everything about being a Jimmie. Over the span of four years I made life-long friends, studied under one-of-a-kind professors, got to participate in various extra curricular activities, had the world’s greatest roommates, laughed a lot, grew confident in my abilities, discovered a major that fit my interests, matured in my faith, and for the most part, kept my room clean.

I couldn’t have been happier; after all, everyone says college is the best time of your life. Only in college can you find all of your friends living in the same building, function on little to no sleep, have your meals cooked for you, participate in 14 activities at once, wear pajamas in public, get advise on what to do with your life, and have three weeks off for Christmas vacation.

Although life was great during college, it wasn’t perfect. Nothing of this world is perfect because we live in a sinful and fallen world. The greatest lesson I learned while in college is that while we continually search for joy and satisfaction, we will never fully find it. While we continually try and “fit in” or gain success, that will never make us feel complete. Only God can do that because God is not of this world; God is perfect.


As I grew in my faith during college, I discovered that living for God and focusing on the life to come was the only true way to live and be fully satisfied. After I graduated from UJ I began working with the organization Campus Crusade for Christ. I chose this job because of my desire to help college students know the truth and help them realize grades, athletics, awards, or social status does not define their worth. Our worth can only be found in God, who loves each and every one of us unconditionally.

I am grateful for every joyful experience I had during college because with each moment, I was given a glimpse into what fellowship in Heaven will be like. At that time we will come together as one, in perfect harmony, and find ourselves in the ultimate source of satisfaction: Jesus Christ.

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