Fire damages kitchen, dining area in Badal Nafus Student Center
Early Sunday morning, a fire broke out in the kitchen of the Badal Nafus Student Center on the University of Jamestown campus. The fire was quickly contained to the kitchen and dining area, and there were no injuries.
Dustin Jensen, vice president for student affairs and dean of students at the University of Jamestown, praised the efforts of first responders who worked tirelessly to contain the fire and prevent further damage. “The fire did not spread to nearby facilities, including the new construction for the Reuben and Clarice Liechty Center for Faith and Life and the Voorhees Chapel, or to the Lyngstad Center.”
Director of Residence Life & Public Safety Gabe Martinez has been actively communicating with fire officials to ensure all safety protocols are followed and firefighters will remain on-stie to monitor and address and issues.
Jensen highlighted the incredible support from the community including Jamestown Public Schools, noting, “JPS officials have been incredible, allowing us to use their kitchens to prepare meals. Sodexo is also working with its partners at Valley City State University and Minnesota State University Moorhead to bring in additional resources.”
Currently, breakfast and other meals are being served at Harold Newman Arena, and students will continue to be fed there over the next few days. The University is now focused on short-term solutions while planning for longer-term recovery.
“Right now, our priority is ensuring students are safe, cared for, and fed,” Jensen said. “It’s too early to say how significant the damage is, but the Badal Nafus Center will likely be out of use for some time.”
The University extends its deepest gratitude to the first responders who worked in harsh winter conditions to contain the fire over the course of eight hours.
President Polly Peterson emphasized the strength of the campus community. “We are incredibly grateful for the local and rural fire departments, police, JPS, and others who have stepped in to help us so quickly. This is a reminder of how special and supportive our community is in moments like these.”
At this time, Badal Nafus and Lyngstad will remain closed. Further updates will be provided as more information becomes available.