Global Studies
- Minor
Core Courses
Course | Title | Credits |
Flan |
Two consecutive foreign language courses beyond the minimum university requirements |
6 |
Comm 305 |
Cross-Cultural Communication |
3 |
Plus three of the following history and politics courses:
Course | Title | Credits |
Hist 222 |
History of the Middle East |
3 |
HIST 262 |
History of China |
3 |
HIST 268 |
History of India |
3 |
Hist 344 |
19th-Century Europe |
3 |
Hist 354 |
Evolution of War |
3 |
Hist 362 |
History of China |
3 |
Hist 364 |
The French Revolution & the Age of Napoleon |
3 |
Hist 368 |
History of India |
4 |
Pols 325 |
Comparative European Governments |
3 |
Pols 333 |
World Politics |
3-4 |
Pols 335 |
The European Union |
3-4 |
Plus two of the following courses:
Course | Title | Credits |
ART 312 |
Comparative Art Forms: East and West |
3 |
ENGL 230 |
English Literature to 1785 |
3 |
ENGL 231 |
English Literature Since 1785 |
3 |
ENGL 305 |
Studies in the British Novel |
3 |
ENGL 319/THEA 319 |
Modern British Drama |
3 |
ENGL 320 |
British Romantics |
3 |
ENGL 330 |
Victorian England |
3 |
ENGL 331/THEA 331 |
Shakespeare |
3 |
ENGL 351 |
History of the English Language |
3 |
FREN 320 |
French Culture and Civilization |
3 |
FREN 330 |
Survey of French Literature |
3 |
FREN 340 |
Survey of Francophone Literature |
3 |
GER 320 |
German Culture and Civilization |
3 |
GER 330 |
Survey of German Literature I |
3 |
GER 340 |
Survey of German Literature II |
3 |
REL 371 |
World Religions |
3 |
SOC 320 |
Comparative Cultures |
3 |
SPAN 330 |
Spanish Peninsular Cultural Studies I |
3 |
SPAN 340 |
Spanish Peninsular Cultural Studies II |
3 |
SPAN 370 |
Latin American Cultural Studies I |
3 |
SPAN 380 |
Latin American Cultural Studies II |
3 |
Total Semester Credits Required: 24
Special topics classes in any department can be used to fulfill part of this requirement with the approval of the Department of History and Political Science.
Students cannot take multiple sections of classes that are cross-listed with other departments or have different sections or numbers within the same discipline. At least 9 credits must be unique to the minor – i.e., they cannot also fulfill other major or minor requirements.