Library Policies

The UJ Libraries strive to develop policies and guidelines that support our mission, help provide consistent and equitable access to the libraries’ resources, and maintain the relevancy and sustainability of our collections, spaces, and services.

General Policies

Loan Periods and Replacement Fees

The UJ Libraries’ Circulation Policy contains information about borrowing books and other materials. The chart below outlines loan periods by user group for the most commonly used materials.

Item Type UG Students CGPS Students Faculty/Staff Community
General Books 6 weeks 1 semester 1 semester 4 weeks
Print Journals & Newspapers 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks
DVDs, CDs & Other Audio Materials 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks
Reference Books In-library use only
Reserve Items Determined by faculty: 2 hours, 1 day, 2 days, 1 week, 2 weeks
Textbook Reserves Determined by faculty, usually 1 semester

There are no overdue fines, but the library does assess a replacement fee of $60 per item for lost or damaged materials. After 14 days overdue, items will be considered lost and a replacement bill will be issued. Physical materials such as books and DVDs returned with significant damage that will make them unusable by future patrons will also result in a replacement bill being issued. The ensuing replacement cost can be waived upon the return of the item in good condition, as long as the item has not been re-purchased.

For more information, read the full Circulation Policy here:

UJ Libraries Circulation Policy

The UJ Libraries affirm the American Library Association’s Code of Ethics to protect patrons’ rights to confidentiality and privacy. For more information, read the Patron Confidentiality Policy here:

Patron Confidentiality Policy

Donation Policy

The UJ Libraries welcome offers of gifts-in-kind and appreciates the generosity of its donors. The Library accepts donations of materials appropriate to the University’s current and evolving curriculum, the research needs of the faculty and students, and the Library’s archival and special collections. The Library reserves the right to determine the retention, location, cataloging, and resale of all donated items, as well as any other considerations related to the use or disposition of material donations. The Library assumes no responsibility for the appraisal of donated items, nor can the Library accept items under restrictive conditions.

Donors must contact the Director of Libraries to discuss possible donations of books, manuscripts and other materials before sending or delivering them.

Please contact the University Archivist for donations of materials related to the university such as college publications, photographs, and manuscripts.

Lost and Found

Please return any personal items found in Raugust Library to the Information Desk. Library staff make every effort to return valuable items to their rightful owners. All items are kept for one semester, and any unclaimed items will be disposed of.

Using Library Spaces and Collections

UJ Libraries provide services, resources and multi-use spaces that enhance diverse study and work habits, creativity, and intellectual and social engagement for all members of the UJ community. All library users must respect the rights and privacy of others while on the library premises. Patrons are expected to follow the Libraries’ user conduct and building access policies, and engage with library staff respectfully and courteously. They may also be subject to other regulations in accordance with the University’s Standards of Conduct, and/or state and federal law.

General User Conduct

We want the UJ Libraries to be respectful and inclusive spaces for all our users – students, faculty, staff, alums and visitors. We encourage everyone to be considerate of those around them, respect physical and emotional boundaries and contribute to supportive and non-threatening environment where the safety and inclusion of others are validated. Any user engaging in any of the following behaviors is in violation of the UJ Libraries’ User Conduct Policies.

  • Disruptive conversation on cell phones. Use a calm voice when answering calls. Please make and take calls outside of the library service areas. Acceptable spaces include the fireside lobby, hallway or outside of the building. Please note that cell phone use in the upper level of the Raugust Library is restricted; it has been designated as the Quiet Study area in the building.
  • Conversing loudly and/or using offensive, threatening or harassing language and/or gestures.
  • Any physical and/or verbal abuse towards library users and staff.
  • Stealing and/or damaging the Libraries’ property.
  • Having messy food and uncovered beverages. See the Food and Drink Policy.
  • Distribution of promotional materials within the Libraries without permission.
  • Leaving children under the age of 12 unaccompanied. UJ Libraries accept no liability or responsibility for the safety of unaccompanied children. See the Children in the Libraries Policy.
  • Demonstration of any behavior in violation of the University’s Standards of Conduct.

Library staff members reserve the right to request anyone who is found in violation of these rules to discontinue the behavior in question immediately or leave the library building voluntarily. They are authorized to call for campus safety assistance and/or local law enforcement to ensure a safe environment for all, if necessary.

Food and Drink in the Library

UJ Libraries provide welcoming learning spaces to enhance diverse study habits, creativity and social engagement. We understand that research and study activities often require snacks and beverages. However, we are also responsible for protecting the Libraries’ materials, equipment and furnishings for future generations of students. So, the following guidelines are developed based on mutual respect. By complying with these guidelines, both library users and staff help maintain a clean work and study environment in pest and rodent free buildings.

  • Small snacks and covered beverages are allowed.
  • Food and drink are NOT allowed in Special Collections: UJ Archives and Rare Books.
  • Meals, messy food and uncovered beverages are NOT allowed.
  • Large group meals are NOT allowed in the library lobby except for events organized by UJ affiliated groups.
  • Unattended food and drink will be discarded.
  • Throw trash in the appropriate bins located throughout the facilities.
  • Report any spills to library staff at the Information Desk, main floor, immediately so we can arrange appropriate clean-up.

Library staff reserves the right to request anyone who disregards these guidelines to remove their food and drink immediately or leave the library building voluntarily. The library staff is authorized to call for campus safety assistance and/or local law enforcement to ensure a safe environment for all, if necessary.

Designated Quiet Study Areas

The upper level of the Raugust Library is designated as a quiet study area. Cell phone use and loud conversation are restricted on this floor including in the study rooms to prevent disturbance for students who are studying in peace and quiet.

Athletic Study Tables

Raugust Library provides open study spaces for UJ student-athletes to study and collaborate on academic work during the school year. Team study tables are expected to be utilized for individual and/or group studying. The schedules are determined by UJ athletic coaches, not by library staff. Sign-in sheets or QR code signs are available at the Information Desk. Be respectful of other students who are studying and of library staff who are working. Food and drink are allowed according to the Food and Drink Policy. Students are expected to clean up after themselves by throwing away all trash in the appropriate bins located throughout the building. Please immediately report any spills to library staff at the Information Desk so that an appropriate clean-up can be arranged.

Children in the Library

UJ Libraries welcome the children of students, faculty, and staff to use and enjoy their facilities and collections. Two main objectives need to be met while children are present: first, the children must be safe and second, the university students and staff must be able to study or work without disruptions or distractions.

In order to meet these objectives:

  • All children under the age of twelve must be accompanied at all times by a parent or caregiver.
  • All children under the age of twelve must have some connection to a member of the campus community.
  • Loud or disruptive behavior may result in the parents being requested to take the child to a study room or to leave the library.
  • The library staff room is reserved for staff use only.

Emergency and Safety

The UJ Libraries adhere to the procedures outlined in the university’s Emergency Preparedness Plan for major emergencies such as flood, fire, tornado and bomb threats. However, the Raugust Library, where physical materials are located, has its own disaster plan for recovering materials in the event of disasters related to severe weather and emergencies pertinent to building maintenance.

If an incident or medical emergency occurs in the library, the Director of Residence Life and Campus Safety and the Director of Libraries should be notified immediately.

In the case of a critical medical emergency, follow the steps outlined in the Emergency Preparedness Plan, 2021, p.71.

Important Numbers

  • Campus Safety: 701-659-0032
  • Jamestown Police Department (non-emergency): 701-252-1000
  • Jamestown Safe Shelter: 701-251-2300 or 888-353-7233
  • Fargo Police Department (non-emergency): 701-235-4493
  • Emergency: 911

Members of the Jamestown community may register for community patron cards. Due to licensing agreements with library vendors, community patron card privileges limit access to ebooks or databases to use inside the library. No access is granted to ebooks or databases outside of the premises. The library’s collection is accessible to community patrons for browsing and in-house use during regular operating hours.

To apply, patrons must have a non-expired government-issued picture ID, an email account, and proof of current address in Stutsman County. Applicants under 18 must have a parent or guardian present with their ID to get a community card.

The University of Jamestown computer labs are primarily for use by the university’s students, faculty, and staff. Community patrons must request temporary login at the Library Information desk for up to two hours daily. Copying and printing services are not available.

All library patrons, including visitors, are expected to behave civilly and courteously, respect the rights of other patrons and staff members, and use the library for its intended purposes. Library staff members reserve the right to request anyone who is found in violation of the User Conduct Policies to discontinue the behavior in question immediately or leave the library building voluntarily. They are authorized to call for campus safety assistance and/or local law enforcement to ensure a safe environment for all, if necessary.

Read the full policy:

UJ Libraries Community Patrons Policy

UJ Libraries are committed to providing equitable access for all members of the UJ community, regardless of the user’s ability to access our resources, services and facilities. To accomplish this goal, any library staff member will perform the following tasks upon request: 

  • Retrieve materials from shelves or drawers which the user cannot reach. 
  • Assist with photocopying of materials. 
  • Assist with the operation of the microfilm/fiche reader/printer. 
  • Aid in using the elevator. 
  • Direct the user to mobility-accessible computer terminals, tables, and study carrels. 
  • Direct deaf or hard-of-hearing users to a private study room. 
  • Read computer screens of library content to blind or visually impaired users. This does not include reading whole articles and books; providing readers and scribes is not the responsibility of the library. 
  • Assist with operating audio/visual equipment. 
  • Allow a proxy borrower to check out materials for a patron. 
  • Adjust loan periods to meet the user’s needs. 
  • Assist with interlibrary loan requests. 

Users with special needs are encouraged to make an appointment with the Director of Libraries or the Reference and Instruction Librarian to discuss the specific types of assistance that are available.
Please note that UJ Libraries aid users with permanent and temporary disabilities in collaboration with University partners such as Disability Services, Registrar, Campus Safety and Physical Plant. Visit their sites for more extensive information pertaining to accessibility and disability services on UJ campuses.  

Building Access and Features 

  • The library’s main entrance doors have automatic door openers (push pads). 
  • The nearest handicapped parking spaces are available on the north side of the Raugust Library building. 
  • A water bottle-filling fountain is located on the main floor, near the computer stations. Drinking fountains are on the second floor near the bathrooms.  
  • The main staircase to the upper level is located to the left of the library’s service area entrance (inside door). It provides access to the general collection books, quiet study areas and study rooms. 
  • The elevator is located on the southwest side of the building and operates with a key. Library staff will aid in using it.  
  • Public restrooms are in the hallway near the Student Success Center area, and the wheelchair-accessible, single-stall bathroom is on the northeast side of the building.
    More bathrooms are located upstairs on the northeast side.  

Finding Resources 

  • UJ Librarians will provide one-on-one instruction on the use of library resources such as online articles and print books, as well as research help. 
  • Many of the online resources are ADA compliant. Most journal articles and ebook chapters are screen reader compatible and streaming videos have accompanying transcripts.  

Borrowing Resources  

  • Library staff will accommodate delivery of physical resources to students who are not able to visit the library in-person.  
  • UJ faculty, staff or students may designate a proxy borrower (designated aide, family member or friend), who may checkout and retrieve library materials on their behalf.  
  • Caregivers (no UJ affiliation) will be given Community Patron status and cards upon request. 

Study Rooms  

  • Study rooms are available on both floors of the library, varying in size. The two study rooms on the main floor are accessible to wheelchairs. 

Computers/Adaptive Technology  

  • Public computers are available in the library, including one in the small study room on the main floor.  
  • Library staff will help blind, physically or visually disabled, and dyslexic students locate textbooks and other needed materials through the State Library’s Talking Books program at North Dakota Talking Books. For this to be most effective, it is necessary to know in advance which students will need this service, what courses they will be taking, and what textbooks will be used in the courses. 


Service and emotional support animals are allowed in the libraries in accordance with the University of Jamestown Assistance Animal Housing Policy. If a service or emotional animal exhibits out of control behavior, UJ Libraries reserve the right to require the handler (owner) to remove the animal from their facilities. If the handler does not comply with the request, the Residence Life and Disability Services personnel will be contacted for further action. Please visit the Disability Services page for more information on service and emotional support animals.  

Policy Review and Feedback 

This policy will be reviewed periodically for its continued validity and usefulness. Feedback regarding the Library Services for Persons with Disabilities should be directed, in writing, to the Director of Libraries.  

The UJ Libraries have two physical facilities: Raugust Library (primary) in Jamestown, ND, and Zaruba Library (branch) in Fargo, ND. Zaruba Library was established to support the students, faculty, and staff in the Physical Therapy program. Building access is restricted to these users primarily, and visitors are welcome and required to sign in at the office reception desk.

In Jamestown, UJ students, faculty and staff have 24/7 access to the Raugust Library building and late-night access is granted via keycard. Raugust Library allows Jamestown and surrounding community members to use its physical collection during regular service hours only.

Collection Policies

The University of Jamestown Libraries’ collection plays a vital role in supporting the educational mission of the university by providing access to information resources for all academic programs in both undergraduate and graduate studies.

The collection development policy serves as the framework for building a current, diverse and balanced collection of library resources aligned with the university’s commitment to “a curriculum of academic excellence which blends the liberal arts with sound professional preparation.” It guides the university librarians by establishing the basis for decisions regarding the selection, acquisition, maintenance and deselection of the library resources in all formats.

Policies also exist for specialized collections such as the Reference Collection, the Curriculum Library, and the UJ Archives.

The full policies are available below.

General Collection Development Policy

Reference Collection Development Policy

Curriculum Library Collection Development Policy

Archives Collection Development Policy

The resources provided by the UJ Libraries are selected to support the learning, research, teaching and service needs of UJ students, staff and faculty. It is the responsibility of the Libraries to ensure that different points of view are represented in the collection. Inclusion of a particular resource does not mean that the Libraries advocate or endorse the ideas or statements found therein. Libraries adhere to the principles of intellectual freedom as outlined in the Library Bill of Rights of the American Library Association and endorse the Freedom to Read Statement 

A patron who objects to any item in the UJ Libraries will be asked to fill out the Resource Reconsideration Form and submit it to the Director of Libraries. The director will then arrange a meeting with the patron to discuss the concerns raised. If the matter cannot be resolved, it will be referred to a meeting of the individual, the director, and the provost. 

When the matter is resolved, a formal report will be made to the provost and the North Dakota Library Association Intellectual Freedom Committee.

Resource Reconsideration Form

Have questions? Ask us!

Amanda Walch

  • Director of Libraries
  • Assistant Professor