Physical Therapy Articulation Agreements

The University of Jamestown Physical Therapy Program has established articulation agreements with College and University partners. Articulation agreements are designed to build strong partnerships between undergraduate institutions and our Doctor of Physical Therapy program. These agreements provide a simplified, guaranteed admissions process for a limited number of undergraduate students from our partner institutions. Current articulation agreements are with

Concordia College

Minnesota State University Moorhead

Admissions Process

A total of six students/graduates per year from Concordia College, who meet the criteria for admission through the Articulation Agreement will be granted priority status for admission to the Physical Therapy Program at the University of Jamestown.

A total of six students/graduates per year from Minnesota State University Moorhead, who meet the criteria for admission through the Articulation Agreement will be granted priority status for admission to the Physical Therapy Program at the University of Jamestown.

All applicants must go through PTCAS and must successfully complete the interview process.

If more students than what is allotted in the articulation agreement meet the application deadline and qualify for priority status, the University of Jamestown Physical Therapy Program will rank‐order all priority applicants based on consideration of the full set of application materials and the evaluations from the admissions interview. The top ranked students will be accepted under the articulation agreement; the additional students will enter our regular applicant pool.

All decisions for Admission into the Doctorate in Physical Therapy program are made by the Admissions Committee for the Physical Therapy Program. Final decisions for all applicants are based on consideration of the full set of application materials and the evaluations from the admissions interview.

Nothing in this agreement is intended to negate the usual process of student evaluation or supersede final decisions on admissions. This agreement is intended to be a long‐term arrangement. Each party may continue or discontinue this agreement on a yearly basis with notice.