Policies, Handbooks, and Forms
Committed to Every Member of the UJ family
University of Jamestown is committed to ensuring that every student, faculty and staff is treated fairly and has the opportunity to achieve success. This commitment is strengthened through policies that serve as our community agreement to respect, support, and protect every individual’s right to a safe and secure learning and working environment.
Academic Integrity
We operate in an atmosphere of mutual trust between and among instructors and students. Sometimes this trust is violated through the intentional or accidental misrepresentation of facts, ideas, or data by members of the academic community. Please review the Academic Integrity Policy to learn more about these violations as well as disciplinary processes.
Discrimination and Harassment
The University of Jamestown takes all allegations of discrimination and harassment seriously and is committed to providing an environment free of unlawful discrimination and harassment. Please review our Discrimination and Harassment Procedures and Policy.
Discrimination and Harassment Form
Emergency Preparedness
We are committed to the welfare of our community, students, faculty, staff, visitors, and to preserving the institution. Please review The Emergency Preparedness Plan, which provides the framework from which the University will minimize the danger to life and property resulting from natural and/or man-made disasters.
We are committed to providing an environment for students, faculty, and staff which is free from all fear of discrimination and harassment. Please review our Non-Discrimination Statement.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, affords eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records.
Request to Remove Directory Restriction
Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy and Procedures
It is the responsibility of every member of the University of Jamestown community to foster an environment free from harassment and discrimination in all forms, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and all other forms of sexual violence. Please review the Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy, which has been developed to outline appropriate conduct and to provide recourse for those individuals whose rights have been violated.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy
SAP is language set forth in the federal guidelines that specifies the minimum academic progress required of a student to avoid termination of funding provided by federal and state governments.
Handbooks and Manuals
We have a developed a series of handbooks, which serve as a central reference for matters relating to student and employee affairs
Handbooks have also been created for specific programs and organization
Other Forms
Please fill out the following forms, as needed.