Brian Lang, PhD
PhD, University of Missouri-Columbia

Office Hours
Monday: 8-noon Taber 306
Tuesday: 1-2:15 Lyng 212f
Wednesday: 8-noon Taber 306
Thursday: 1-2:15 Lyng 212f
Friday: 8-noon Taber 306
‘Since my barn burned down
my view of the moon
is unobstructed.’
– Mizuta Masahide 1657-1723
Dr. Lang spent two decades in Iowa, one in Missouri, and now two in North Dakota. His partner is a photographer. They have amassed three daughters and two sons.
Dr. Lang is a practicing Greek Cynic in the tradition of Hipparchia and Bion.
Cynic, def.
A person who reasons that social norms (li) are typically worthless. To live objectively healthy and moral lives, such Cynics turn to training regimes of frugality, shamelessness, and autonomy. Often, they enact antinomian performance art as a creative outlet.
Scholarly and Creative Works
- Thomas W. Selleck Professor of Alchemy, University of Jamestown 2020
- Emperor of Ethics, Jamestown Regional Medical Center, 2020
- Participant in “Teaching About Islam and Middle Eastern Culture”, American Center for Oriental Research, Amman, Jordan, January 2010, sponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) & the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC)
- Donald K. Anderson Graduate Student Teaching Award, Graduate School, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2001.
- Professor of the Year, University of Jamestown 2011
- Dustin Grant, Ethics ‘03
- Grant Mehring, Ethics ‘07
- Leanna Grant, Ethics ‘07
- Carnegie Corporation of New York Grant, “Teaching About Islam and Middle Eastern Culture”, American Center for Oriental Research, Amman, Jordan, January 2010
- Natalie Grant, Philosophy of Law ’23