Disability Services
Learn about the different accommodations available at UJ, as well as how to register for services.
University of Jamestown is committed to granting reasonable accommodations to its rules, policies, practices, or services when such accommodations may be necessary to afford people with disabilities an equal opportunity to use and enjoy their dwellings, as required by federal, state and local law.
- Identifying and coordinating reasonable accommodations.
- Promoting an accessible and inclusive campus environment.
- Encouraging student independence.
All forms are available at the Disability Services Office located in Taber Hall 217. If you require assistance in completing a form, or would like to make the request orally, please contact Raena McIntyre.
1. University-of-Jamestown-Application-for-Disability-Services– The student must register with the University of Jamestown Office of Disability Services and be determined eligible for consideration of reasonable accommodations.
2. Submit a request for documentation – A student may be asked to provide documentation from a health or social service professional describing the functional limitations of the disability in the classroom or in the non-academic setting. The professional can complete the Request for Documentation form or can submit a letter on the professional’s letterhead. Documentation is valid for four years.
3. The student and the Office of Disability Services personnel identify the limitations caused by the disability and a determination is made as to which accommodation will be appropriate and reasonable.
4. The student is given a document that verifies the need for accommodations and identifies the accommodations approved by the Office of Disability Services personnel. In addition, if the student prefers, they can sign a waiver to have the letter emailed to the professor.
5. The student requests the accommodations from the professor and, together, they discuss how those accommodations will be provided. If asked for verification of the need for requested accommodations, the student can show the professor the verification document from the Office of Disability Services.
6. The Office of Disability Services personnel are available to consult and assist in problem solving. The student must renew their accommodations each semester by notifying the Office of Disability Services of their intent to use accommodations. If new accommodations are requested, students and the Office of Disability Services personnel will consider the request through a new interactive process.
1. University-of-Jamestown-Application-for-Disability-Services– The student must register with the University of Jamestown Office of Disability Services and be determined eligible for consideration of reasonable accommodations.
2. Submit Documentation for Support Animal – A student may be asked to provide documentation from a health or social service professional describing the functional limitations of the disability and need for a support animal in University housing. The professional can complete the Documentation for Support Animal form or can submit a letter on the professional’s letterhead containing all requested information.
3. The student and the Office of Disability Services personnel identify the limitations caused by the disability and a determination is made as to if the request is appropriate and reasonable. 4. The student will read and sign the University of Jamestown Assistance Animal Housing Policy. The owner must abide by current city(Chapter 6 & Ordinance 1390), county, and state ordinances, laws, and/or regulations pertaining to licensing, vaccination, and other requirements for animals.
5. The student must provide written consent for the Office of Disability Servies to disclose information regarding the request for and presence of the support animal to those individuals who may be impacted by the presence of the animal, including but not limited to Residence Services personnel and/or actual roommates. Such information shall be related to the animal only and shall not included information related to the resident’s disability.
Reasonable accommodations are modifications or adjustments to the tasks, environment or to the way things are usually done that enable individuals with disabilities to have an equal opportunity to participate in an academic program. They do not alter academic standards or essential requirements of the course/curriculum nor cause undue hardship to the parties involved. Student needs will vary according to the individual course requirements and the nature of the disability. Students should note that the requirements for accommodations for post-secondary education are different from the requirements for high school and that the accommodations themselves may differ. The student’s preferences are considered but are not determining. Accommodations may take many forms and generally apply to three broad categories: teaching and learning, demonstrating knowledge, and meeting academic requirements. In addition, reasonable accommodations can be made for the non-academic setting.
Faculty Reasonable Accommodations Statement for Syllabus:
Students with Disabilities: As required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, appropriate and reasonable accommodations will be made for all students with documented disabilities. If you need accommodations in this course because of a disability, need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, or have emergency medical information to share, please inform your instructor as soon as possible. You must also contact the registrar to arrange for appropriate accommodations (Taber 217, 701-252-3467 ext. 5554, or registrar@uj.edu).
To qualify for disability accommodations, the student must:
- Students must have a documented disability
- “Disability” is defined as a physical or mental condition or impairment that is both medically recognizable and diagnosable, and that substantially limits one or more of a person’s major life activities. These limitations may include caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, working, and learning.
- Experience functional limitation(s) caused by the disability that significantly limit or prevent access to the University’s programs, services or facilities.
For the purpose of serving students with disabilities, the ADA defines a disability as:
- a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits the student’s equal access to educational and other university programs,
- a record of having such an impairment, or
- being regarded as having one (Jarrow, 1992).
Criteria for determining an accommodation is reasonable and appropriate for an individual student:
The determination process is done on a case by case basis and is accomplished through an interactive discussion with the student about the functional limits of the student’s disability and the specific accommodation.
Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact state Vocational Rehabilitation officials and/or other county, state, or federal agencies whose missions include the provision of services to students/individuals with disabilities. These agencies can provide a wide variety of services including funding for special equipment and diagnostic examinations.
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is a state and federally funded program that assists eligible individuals with disabilities in improving their employment and educational opportunities. VR is available if you have a documented disability which is an impediment to work, have a goal to work and need help to do your best at work or school. Services are tailored to your specific needs and may include: evaluation, vocational guidance and counseling, training, job search and development, accommodations or information and referral. Services are free and confidential. If you are interested in services you can contact VR through their website at https://www.hhs.nd.gov/vr or call the Jamestown area office at (701) 253-6388.
Need additional support?

Raena McIntyre
- Registrar
Student Success Center
The Student Success Center is located on the main floor of Raugust Library. Staff are available M-F, from 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m.